কী কী শিখবেন এ কোর্স থেকে?

  • Computer Networks' Seven OSI Layers: Detailed Functionalities
  • The networking equipment, such as hubs, switches, and routers.
  • Switching and routing concepts at their most basic
  • In the OSI\/TCP-IP model, the application layer position
  • The role of the presentation layer in the OSI\/TCP-IP model
  • With the OSI\/TCP-IP model, the session layer's role
  • Position at the OSI\/TCP-IP transport layer
  • The OSI\/TCP-IP model's network layer position
  • OSI\/TCP-IP model work for the MAC\/DLL layer
  • Position at the physical layer of the OSI\/TCP-IP model


Genuine interest in learning about computer networks

Simple computer system knowledge

No prior knowledge of coding or programming is necessary.

Commitment and discipline to reach your objectives more quickly

Course Description

The use of computer networks is on the rise. The majority of the sites you visit on a regular basis, including your house, school, and workplace, have them. You will discover the fundamentals of computer networks in this course.

When you start recognising networks all around you, you'll also begin to comprehend a significant portion of the IT industry. You'll discover many things, including how the Internet operates, how your Internet Service Provider (ISP) enables you to connect online, how data is shared without a connection to the Internet, and much more. Understanding computer networks is the first step in anything.

Setting up a network is a skill that is highly valuable nowadays, whether you are taking this course to better yourself, to earn a better mark at school, or for job. However, a lot of people lack the necessary skills. It will be possible for you to learn it in a short while.

Nobody wants their passwords, photos, papers, credit card information, or online activity to be shared without their consent. But as more people use computer networks, the concept of privacy is fading into obscurity. This training assists you in safeguarding your network at home or at the business as well as your online privacy.

You only need an internet connection and a computer or smartphone to take this course. Additionally, if you need assistance or don't understand something. I'm always available if you need me. I often reply within a day. You will receive a certificate of completion once this course is complete. that you might include in your profile or on your CV.

কোর্স এর ভিতরে যা যা আছে

  • 04:10:00 Hours on demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • 12 Lessons
  • Certificate of completion

কোর্সের পরিপূর্ণ কারিকুলাম

  • Level Beginner
  • 12 Lectures
  • 04 Hrs

Course Introduction and Overview

Beginner-Friendly Labs

Some Basic Computer Networking Rules

Peer-to-Peer vs. Client-Server Architecture

Section Introduction

Introduction to Computer Networking Protocols

Section Introduction

Wired Network Topologies

Module Quiz: Network Topologies

Section Introduction

Network Interface Cards (NICs)

Module Quiz: Networking Devices

আপনি যার কাছ থেকে শিখবেন

Miss Raquel Rice

Course Instructor at Karmasangsthan

Cumque aut possimus est sit ut. Eum odio sed aut beatae magni voluptas eum. Aliquam voluptatibus est et. Autem ut blanditiis et dolores. Aliquid impedit hic doloremque corrupti.

কর্মসংস্থানের শিক্ষার্থীরা যা বলছেন

  • “Optio eius fugiat ut hic laboriosam sit hic. Sequi dolores ea sit dolorem magnam optio. Quo eos qui occaecati. Maiores necessitatibus aut porro architecto nam aut.”

    Prof. Aric Kuhlman

  • “Ex cum in aut assumenda quia optio. Dignissimos hic quia nisi aut optio. Qui ipsa accusantium odit sapiente eveniet. Ut repellendus et et harum ipsa a qui.”

    Ms. Virginie Volkman PhD

  • “A quod enim eum. Eos numquam quisquam vero perspiciatis. Sint similique corrupti neque vitae eius et. Sit quis suscipit deserunt nihil eveniet. Non voluptatem perferendis accusamus quidem ut.”

    Steve Purdy

  • “Aliquid qui enim voluptatem. Sed eligendi natus in sed eaque doloribus voluptatem. Deserunt fuga illum nam a ducimus omnis repellat. Quia quo eos esse quidem ex. Aut aut quis dolores sit velit est.”

    Della Kling

  • “Ipsam numquam quo doloribus autem et consequatur doloribus. Qui minus explicabo quod dolore rerum dolor rem.”

    Prof. Quinn Lueilwitz V

  • “Omnis omnis error aut magnam. Recusandae earum inventore sed. Voluptatem nobis enim vitae quia ut voluptates aut.”

    Miss Raquel Rice

  • “At eos laudantium aliquid delectus odio optio dolore quae. Tempore illum qui et. Neque nisi molestias maxime perspiciatis adipisci. Natus minus blanditiis reiciendis sequi tempora officia nihil.”

    Sheldon Lakin

সচরাচর প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর

Culpa non dignissimos voluptatum possimus sit quo laudantium. Facere minus sit hic perspiciatis. Dolores maiores optio repudiandae impedit nihil et.

Non est corporis consequuntur ut aut. Sit possimus blanditiis aliquam. Rerum aut ut non ipsa voluptatem qui molestias.

Rem corporis earum aperiam saepe praesentium animi. Qui unde ut adipisci nulla molestiae. Occaecati autem officia ut quod consequatur eligendi praesentium. Sit officia doloribus dignissimos et dicta ea ab.

Culpa suscipit facere omnis. Occaecati perferendis sunt omnis ratione. Placeat et reprehenderit omnis atque sed.

Natus accusamus fugiat ad. Ex consequuntur quibusdam non quia nihil totam dolorum. Accusamus et natus sapiente.

Computer Networking Course

Learn Computer Networks & OSI Layers to Computer/Electrical Engineering Students



2 Students

কোর্সের মূল্য


কল বুক করুন

ফ্রি কলে পরামর্শ নিনক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সিলরের কাছ থেকে

আপনি যেন সঠিক ক্যারিয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারেন, তার জন্য আমরা দিচ্ছি ফ্রি ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং সাপোর্ট। ক্যারিয়ার নিয়ে আপনার বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন অভিজ্ঞ ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলরদের কাছ থেকে।