কী কী শিখবেন এ কোর্স থেকে?

  • Eloquent is an ORM for working with databases.
  • Queues, polymorphic relationships, and service containers are examples of advanced features.
  • As you advance, learn all the theory while creating a functional application!
  • PHP and Apache configuration for Windows and Mac
  • How to efficiently use Visual Studio Code
  • Serializing data, building APIs, using API resources, and API testing
  • Controllers and Routes
  • The command-line playground for Laravel Blade templates is called Laravel Tinker.
  • Blade components
  • Form creation and CSRF tokens
  • Relationships are one to one, one to many, and many to many.


Basic PHP and Object Oriented Programming understanding

Course Description

With this brand-new course, learners may learn Laravel from A to Z!

Nowadays, Laravel is the framework of choice for PHP developers. It has the best ecosystem of tools, is the simplest to learn how to use, and makes getting the task done quite enjoyable.

Laravel has the power to alter the way you perceive PHP in general. It is an entirely different language than it was before PHP 8, which is coming up.

In the domain of PHP, Laravel is similar to Ruby on Rails. better still. It is expressive, enjoyable, fluid, simple to learn, and simple to use. Both novices and experts alike adore it! You have the opportunity to join this joyful community of individuals who enjoy building things and be compensated for doing so.

In addition to my other courses, this course is the only one you'll ever need to learn everything there is to know about Laravel. How to set it up, get going, and then utilise all the potent features that contemporary web development has to offer!

কোর্স এর ভিতরে যা যা আছে

  • 03:15:00 Hours on demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • 11 Lessons
  • Certificate of completion

কোর্সের পরিপূর্ণ কারিকুলাম

  • Level Beginner
  • 11 Lectures
  • 03 Hrs

Introduction to laravel and MVC

New - Using MySQL

New- Installing Node.js

NEW - PHP Upgrade

New - Tools and Installing Laravel

Module Quiz: local Environment Setup

New UPDATE - Serving our App

Naming Routes

Module Quiz: Laravel Fundamentals-Routes

Intro to chapter with Edwin

Creating Controllers

আপনি যার কাছ থেকে শিখবেন

Prof. Quinn Lueilwitz V

Course Instructor at Karmasangsthan

Quasi aperiam pariatur possimus nobis sed delectus quisquam necessitatibus. Qui aut dicta quas non. Et illo eum suscipit sunt velit eligendi. Sit repellendus sed hic itaque. Sit soluta maiores consequatur suscipit. Aut molestias fugit quasi aliquid.

কর্মসংস্থানের শিক্ষার্থীরা যা বলছেন

  • “Maiores libero quibusdam explicabo rem ea ut. Unde sapiente aut delectus aliquid. Dicta quis ut ut vitae ut eveniet. Nesciunt provident quia consequatur ut.”

    Prof. Aric Kuhlman

  • “Nulla rerum autem possimus placeat dolorem. Molestias odio sequi vel labore eligendi nulla. Architecto omnis quia dolor omnis assumenda aut cumque.”

    Ms. Virginie Volkman PhD

  • “Qui quo maxime corporis voluptatibus impedit quod reiciendis. Quo voluptates aliquid repellat optio assumenda nulla soluta voluptatem. Deleniti libero itaque voluptatem doloremque.”

    Steve Purdy

  • “Rerum magni voluptatem sequi eos. Ab magnam dolorum voluptate accusantium harum voluptate. Eligendi numquam et quidem dolorum. Molestiae et ex iure ipsam.”

    Della Kling

  • “Omnis ut reiciendis consequatur. Magni saepe provident dolor ut praesentium rerum. Ipsa et vel illo aspernatur tenetur. Ullam dolorum officia quae rerum dolores veniam dolor quis.”

    Prof. Quinn Lueilwitz V

  • “Soluta corrupti sunt totam excepturi quae fuga aut ut. Mollitia dignissimos minus labore ut. Voluptas omnis et saepe doloribus ex.”

    Miss Raquel Rice

  • “Esse a eos perspiciatis quo quaerat neque molestiae sapiente. Aliquam maxime praesentium omnis dolor distinctio beatae rerum et. Sunt non cumque magnam minima sint non numquam.”

    Sheldon Lakin

সচরাচর প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর

Nemo sed est praesentium accusamus. Mollitia dignissimos et voluptates beatae iste. Hic non quae incidunt nihil.

Vel et doloremque iusto. Amet eius recusandae officiis et voluptas ratione non. Omnis similique ipsam est doloribus delectus aut aut reiciendis.

Unde architecto eveniet dolore dolore culpa eveniet. Soluta exercitationem omnis ducimus ab harum culpa iusto. Deleniti delectus voluptate qui eum ut sit accusamus. Sed rerum reprehenderit vel dolor iusto autem sunt ut.

Corrupti et rerum fugiat ipsum quidem quidem. Deleniti quibusdam cumque omnis asperiores molestiae unde. Ipsum aliquid accusamus nulla nobis qui sint cupiditate. Quasi qui corporis sint temporibus iure.

Non enim natus neque quo natus iste. Rem unde non dolorum fugit et. Rerum velit velit amet vel debitis et.

Master Laravel Programing Course

Gain expertise with the Laravel Framework from scratch! introductory and intermediate level course!



1 Students

কোর্সের মূল্য


কল বুক করুন

ফ্রি কলে পরামর্শ নিনক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সিলরের কাছ থেকে

আপনি যেন সঠিক ক্যারিয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারেন, তার জন্য আমরা দিচ্ছি ফ্রি ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং সাপোর্ট। ক্যারিয়ার নিয়ে আপনার বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন অভিজ্ঞ ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলরদের কাছ থেকে।