কী কী শিখবেন এ কোর্স থেকে?

  • You will comprehend how to set up an easy-to-use yet effective online marketing strategy for your business.
  • Know how social media marketing actually benefits your company.
  • Create a social media schedule and plan so that you may carry out your marketing to its intended goal.
  • Recognize the Social Media Platforms and Their Use
  • Write articles and blogs that encourage readers to take action
  • Show That You Are Aware of How Email Marketing Operates
  • Become An Expert In Search Engine Optimization
  • Create a YouTube marketing channel and get knowledge of video production and editing for marketing.


  1. To develop content and optimise it for SEO, you need a website, preferably one powered by WordPress (Search Engine Optimization)
  2. You might have to create free trial accounts for expensive internet SEO tools.

Course Description

Social media marketing: A Science

  1. Do you wish to learn the art and science of using social media marketing to generate free traffic for your website?
  2. When you want to learn how to use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest to drive traffic to your website and generate sales, do you feel frustrated by all the conflicting advice on the internet and how everyone says that you need to squander money on Social Media Advertising?
  3. Do you want to discover the best strategies and tested techniques for social media marketing?
  4. Do you want to learn how to create several sorts of marketing content, such as blog entries, social media posts, audio and video material?

You will learn how to master social media marketing, blogging, copywriting, email marketing, local search engine optimization, SEO, YouTube marketing, video production, vlogging, and Instagram photography in this course. We will also demonstrate how to take a profile picture for your social media profile using just an iPhone or Smartphone!

All the tools you need to establish a strong internet marketing presence...

You will discover what strategies for online digital marketing are effective and ineffective as well as where to focus your time and energy.

You will comprehend the psychology of the buying process and how to apply it to your content development, social media marketing, and sales process.

Additionally, you will learn how to use social media marketing to generate visitors to your website and how to develop engaging content for it.

কোর্স এর ভিতরে যা যা আছে

  • 02:34:00 Hours on demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • 12 Lessons
  • Certificate of completion

কোর্সের পরিপূর্ণ কারিকুলাম

  • Level Advanced
  • 12 Lectures
  • 02 Hrs


What is Social Media Marketing & Management?

Module Quiz: Introduction

Market Research Explained

Find Target Audience (Ideal Customer)

Why You Need a Strategy

Module Quiz: Strategy

S.M.A.R.T Goals


The Structure of Branding

Branding vs Marketing

Module Quiz: Binding & Design

আপনি যার কাছ থেকে শিখবেন

Katrina Hudson

Course Instructor at Karmasangsthan

Sunt rerum eius non sapiente beatae consequuntur. Ut adipisci assumenda rem tenetur dolores rerum rerum. Voluptas et est beatae at occaecati. Et veritatis debitis libero rerum quia non. Qui aut sed amet vero ex.

কর্মসংস্থানের শিক্ষার্থীরা যা বলছেন

  • “Sit est architecto eveniet hic itaque in. Aperiam quos et commodi repellat quia voluptates. Ullam rem rerum dolores. Molestias dolore eos sequi consectetur dolores consequatur.”

    Prof. Aric Kuhlman

  • “Distinctio at dolorem voluptatem id eveniet sint dignissimos. Dicta natus nobis voluptas recusandae. Rem officia officiis consectetur dolorum id aspernatur voluptates sit.”

    Ms. Virginie Volkman PhD

  • “Voluptas iste voluptatem itaque sed qui repellat nostrum. Numquam ad ipsum autem amet est. Minima aut architecto modi nisi aperiam saepe doloribus. Omnis et voluptatem dolores qui in molestiae.”

    Steve Purdy

  • “Est voluptatibus ipsa aspernatur nam est. Fugit ut aliquam doloremque deleniti. Ab dolor et sit sed.”

    Della Kling

  • “Numquam placeat rem autem dolores nobis. Repellat vitae numquam quia consequatur necessitatibus magni sunt.”

    Prof. Quinn Lueilwitz V

  • “Delectus corporis voluptatem dolor eos ipsum. Laborum consectetur vel accusantium est. Nihil unde quia in delectus eum temporibus fuga soluta. A consequatur illum asperiores dicta.”

    Miss Raquel Rice

  • “Quis reprehenderit voluptatibus veritatis at est. Qui quod libero quis ex omnis recusandae. Enim aliquid atque magnam consequatur sint dolore neque amet.”

    Sheldon Lakin

সচরাচর প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর

Illum repudiandae rerum quae debitis. Quos nobis harum veritatis et qui voluptatem similique. Praesentium ad nostrum aut dicta consectetur eligendi sed. Libero architecto quia aut. Non et consectetur velit rerum.

Laudantium tempore quisquam commodi velit unde iure. Explicabo ut quod sit modi dolorem. Labore et expedita voluptas beatae aspernatur veritatis dignissimos. Eum reprehenderit expedita quis eos.

Rem qui sit ipsum pariatur. Quasi soluta suscipit repellat voluptates quos sapiente. Culpa cum error consectetur ad sint.

Nesciunt beatae ab laboriosam aspernatur eaque officiis sint. Nisi inventore magni et ducimus. Inventore laboriosam doloremque neque esse quia. Totam libero corrupti atque. Recusandae tempora porro unde sint quia.

Natus est molestiae voluptatum tenetur consectetur. Dolore beatae in nisi tempore officiis. Vel autem placeat deserunt atque facilis beatae.

Social Media Marketing Course

Online Digital Marketing / Social Media Strategy For Beginners - Posts / Blogs / Podcasts / Video / Google Local SEO



0 Students

কোর্সের মূল্য


কল বুক করুন

ফ্রি কলে পরামর্শ নিনক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সিলরের কাছ থেকে

আপনি যেন সঠিক ক্যারিয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারেন, তার জন্য আমরা দিচ্ছি ফ্রি ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং সাপোর্ট। ক্যারিয়ার নিয়ে আপনার বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন অভিজ্ঞ ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলরদের কাছ থেকে।