কী কী শিখবেন এ কোর্স থেকে?

  • Differentiate between full-stack, front-end, and back-end developers.
  • With HTML and CSS, construct and style a website.
  • The advantages of using UI frameworks.


  • There is no need for prior development experience.
  • Access to a range of open-source (free) applications.

Course Description

Welcome to the first course in the Meta Front-End Developer curriculum, Introduction to Front-End Development.

If you're interested in becoming a web developer, this course is a wonderful place to start. You will gain a general understanding of the fundamental and supporting technologies that underpin the internet as well as knowledge of the day-to-day duties of a web developer. You'll discover how front-end developers produce functional and simple-to-maintain websites and applications.

You'll learn about and have the chance to practice utilizing the fundamental web development technologies including HTML and CSS. Additionally, you will learn about contemporary UI frameworks like Bootstrap and React that make it simple to design interactive user interfaces.

You will be able to:

  • Describe the role of a front-end developer by the end of the course.
    • Describe the fundamental technologies that underlie the internet - Create a simple webpage using HTML - Use CSS to modify the design of a simple webpage
    • Describe the functions and features of the most popular UI frameworks. Describe what React is.
    • You will use HTML and the Bootstrap CSS framework to design and edit a webpage for the course's final project. You can create a responsive webpage with text and images that looks fantastic on any size screen by using a responsive style grid.

You will use HTML and the Bootstrap CSS framework to design and edit a webpage for the course's final project. You can create a responsive webpage with text and images that looks fantastic on any size screen by using a responsive style grid.

This introductory course is designed for students who are eager to discover the fundamentals of web programming. You don't need any prior web development expertise to succeed in this course; all you need are some basic internet navigational abilities and a desire to learn how to code.

কোর্স এর ভিতরে যা যা আছে

  • 03:20:00 Hours on demand video
  • Access on mobile
  • 10 Lessons
  • Certificate of completion

কোর্সের পরিপূর্ণ কারিকুলাম

  • Level Beginner
  • 10 Lectures
  • 03 Hrs

Introduction to the Program

Introduction to the course

What is Hyper Text Markup Language?

HTML documents

Module Quiz: Introduction to HTML and CSS

Working with libraries

Introduction to responsive design

Module Quiz: UI Frameworks

Course 1 Recap: Introduction to Web Development

Congratulations, you have completed Introduction to Web Development

আপনি যার কাছ থেকে শিখবেন

Katrina Hudson

Course Instructor at Karmasangsthan

Sunt rerum eius non sapiente beatae consequuntur. Ut adipisci assumenda rem tenetur dolores rerum rerum. Voluptas et est beatae at occaecati. Et veritatis debitis libero rerum quia non. Qui aut sed amet vero ex.

কর্মসংস্থানের শিক্ষার্থীরা যা বলছেন

  • “Ut omnis odio et. Aut incidunt rem nihil consequatur praesentium maiores. Odio ullam non fugit rerum dolorem autem. Eaque eaque consequatur dignissimos.”

    Prof. Aric Kuhlman

  • “Exercitationem ea ut eveniet veniam omnis laudantium voluptatem. Est deserunt sequi veritatis voluptatibus ipsa. Excepturi in odio in sint dolor perspiciatis.”

    Ms. Virginie Volkman PhD

  • “Non excepturi cumque ipsam dolorum optio a vitae. Nobis maxime sed quo quia quia. Laboriosam excepturi dolores beatae.”

    Steve Purdy

  • “Qui consequatur eveniet est consectetur ipsa. Veniam autem cupiditate quia aperiam consequatur. Consequuntur aperiam qui aut iure exercitationem. Ex libero asperiores eligendi amet.”

    Della Kling

  • “Autem qui aut nulla eligendi fugit illo. Quam aliquam possimus quia ipsum natus voluptates.”

    Prof. Quinn Lueilwitz V

  • “Possimus error quia aut ut consequuntur possimus dolor. Qui et assumenda harum officiis excepturi. Harum in voluptatum saepe ut. Et nostrum cupiditate veritatis quae repellendus sunt eos odit.”

    Miss Raquel Rice

  • “Rerum illo quia fugit debitis beatae alias. Ex consectetur tempore dolore qui voluptatem. Quasi odio non aliquid corporis labore.”

    Sheldon Lakin

সচরাচর প্রশ্নগুলোর উত্তর

Reprehenderit maiores eos aut et. Qui vel blanditiis pariatur molestias culpa sit. Veritatis ut est aperiam cum ratione rem. Reprehenderit eveniet est asperiores ut sit mollitia est. Consequatur fugiat et distinctio dolore quia adipisci velit.

Exercitationem enim in qui tenetur praesentium molestiae. Et reiciendis occaecati architecto quasi culpa impedit. Fugit iste voluptas beatae aliquam quos accusantium.

Deserunt suscipit et minus magnam qui quibusdam. Dolorem dolores fuga eaque nulla perspiciatis earum. Laborum voluptatum omnis ea iste illo est mollitia.

Cumque est et dolorem vel harum est ipsam. Amet voluptatem asperiores velit temporibus reiciendis non quas.

Porro consequatur voluptatum quia. Quos harum sunt ducimus adipisci id velit tempora. Aut delectus quisquam officiis illum natus expedita. Officiis excepturi laudantium rem.

Website Development Course

If you're interested in becoming a web developer, this course is a wonderful place to start. You will gain a general understanding of the fundamental and supporting technologies that underpin the internet as well as knowledge of the day-to-day duties of a web developer. You'll discover how front-end developers produce functional and simple-to-maintain websites and applications.



0 Students

কোর্সের মূল্য


কল বুক করুন

ফ্রি কলে পরামর্শ নিনক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সিলরের কাছ থেকে

আপনি যেন সঠিক ক্যারিয়ার সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে পারেন, তার জন্য আমরা দিচ্ছি ফ্রি ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলিং সাপোর্ট। ক্যারিয়ার নিয়ে আপনার বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন অভিজ্ঞ ক্যারিয়ার কাউন্সেলরদের কাছ থেকে।